Sunday, October 7, 2012

.... I am!!

(For a long time, I have been wanting to start writing a blog (again).  I often find myself wanting to say more... although maybe nobody cares to listen to or read  what I have to say or write. ;)  But - there are often things I want to express... and not on facebook.  So, here I go....)

**click on the link at the bottom of this page to listen to a song that goes with this post/ blog**

The title of this - my first post -  is the reason I named my blog "Beautifully Blest".  -  Because I AM!!  Of course the obvious examples of this are my husband and my children.  I hope to highlight these and many of my blessings through coming blog posts, but for today, my focus is one that I've come to appreciate greatly in recent weeks and months.  My health.  God has blessed me with good health - which I didn't realize was so precious until about a year ago.  

Last fall was tough.  And stressful.  I never 'in a million years' thought I would hear a doctor tell me that there was cancer in my body.  NO! There isn't even a high incidence of it in my family or extended family.  Heart disease, diabetes ... maybe.  But not cancer!  Thanks be to God that my wonderful and amazing doctor was proactive and this was discovered at a very early stage.  Other than the initial surgery, no treatments were needed.  Now, I see an oncologist regularly - another wonderful and amazing doctor for whom I am eternally grateful.  I truly believe that my guardian angel was working through these two doctors!

Today, almost a year after that initial surgery,  I am healthy and feel great.  So you see, 'beautifully blest' - I AM! Thank you God!


  1. Happy anniversary!! (year free) Congrats and here's too a long life with your beautiful family.

    Karen Collis : )

  2. Yes, very beautifully blessed. And I consider myself beautifully blessed because I have a friend like you encouraging me in my faith journey. :-)

  3. Hey! It finally worked! I'm even more blessed! ;-D
