Thursday, October 11, 2012

TODAY is the day!! -  Are you planning to watch? -  Are you praying for him?  Please do!!  And while you are at it, please pray for our country!

Here is a man who I will be proud to call my Vice President.  A man of character... strong moral values... integrity...

(Aisha - do you have the t-shirts printed yet?)



  2. Wish I could watch but will be in SF tonight. Let me know how it goes. I am scared for him in a way. Because Obama lost the debate last week, the Dems are going to make sure they pounce on Ryan. I know he can handle himself but still feel sorry for him. Praying that all goes well tonight.

  3. If you come on the 19th you'll be surprised. Yes, I would be PROUD to have PRyan be our VP!!!!! -Tsmith

  4. Good idea to pray for Paul. I am sure he will need the armor of God from all the attacks that will come. I have a feeling he will leave them in the dust. If God is with him who can be against him right?
